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Are you troubled by swollen gums or toothache? See the dentist!

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Although serious gum infections are not very common, they can cause major problems if not treated on time. While most of us want to keep our teeth and gums healthy, they can be prone to gum infections if not properly cared for. Let us know about gum infection in this blog.


Dr. Krishna Mehta

Hospital / Clinic

WinSmile Dental Clinic, Gota, Gujarat

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Link to Full Interview
Duration: 6:29 minutes

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Read the full transcript of Health Show in English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi

GMoney Anchor - Hello welcome to GMoney Health Show, I am Meenakshi with you and before watching our show, please like, share and subscribe the YouTube page. Today we are going to talk about gums infection. I invite Dr. Krishna Mehta to our show. Hello ma'am, welcome.

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Hello

gum problems treatment

GMoney Anchor - Now, first of all, please tell me what is gum infection. How does it happen?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Infection occurs due to the accumulation of dirt in our teeth. Apart from that, infection also occurs due to hormonal changes or diabetes.

GMoney Anchor - Okay, Mom, is there any specific age at which gums infection occurs? Does eating sweets also increase the chances of infection?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Mostly it happens after 35 or 40 years. This infection first occurs in the gums and then goes to the bone and due to this infection going into the bone, the teeth become weak and start falling because our teeth are attached to the bone.

GMoney Anchor - What are the symptoms of this infection?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – There are many symptoms. There is sensitivity, if you also have these symptoms then you have to consult a dentist.

GMoney Anchor - One tip I would like to take from you is what should be done to maintain good dental hygiene.

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Dental checkups should be done every six months so that if the gums become infected, the dentist can examine and treat them.

GMoney Anchor - How often should a toothbrush be changed?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Toothbrush should be changed every three to four months.

GMoney Anchor - Many times the question arises whether cleaning teeth causes teeth wear?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – If tartar deposits remain on teeth for a long time, it causes damage. Tartar contains bacteria. Therefore, visit the dentist from time to time. It is important to get cleaning done so that if the gums become infected, it does not progress further.

GMoney Anchor - Many times people resort to home remedies, is it right to do so?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Be it infection or dental problem, home remedies can provide relief for a few days. They are not a permanent solution. For that, consult a dentist so that treatment can be done on time. Many times people use hot compressors or even use cold compressors.

GMoney Anchor - So, what is that alarming point when we should not Google but should go to the doctor.

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Yes definitely consultation should be taken, so that the right advice can be given.

GMoney Anchor - Is flossing necessary and what are its benefits?

Dr. Krishna Mehta – Yes, flossing is also important, because there is a space between two teeth where food gets stuck, it is important to clean it.

GMoney Anchor - Thank you so much. You spoke so nicely and took some time for us from your busy schedule. The entire team of GMoney Health Show would like to thank you wholeheartedly. If you guys want any more information about Gums or if you want to give any suggestions regarding the show itself? You write in the comment section and with this I will meet you in the next show with a super-specialist doctor, then take care of yourself because good health is our promise.

gum problems treatment

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Please note : The content in this blog is extracted from the video and translated using Google Translate.