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Does TB spread by touch? [Main causes, symptoms & prevention]

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Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala

Hospital / Clinic

Chiniwala Hospital, Palghar, Mumbai

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Duration: 09:05 minutes

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Read the full transcript of Health Show in English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi

GMoney Anchor - Meenakshi welcomes all of you to the GMoney Health Show. For health-related information, you must subscribe to our YouTube channel. So hello Doctor, welcome to our show.

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – Thank you.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, first of all, today we are going to talk about a disease that is very common and affects many people. I am talking about Tuberculosis, which we also call TB. So doctor, first of all, tell us what TB is. How do its symptoms appear?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – TB occurs in the chest, and in the lungs, and its symptoms are cough, and fever, which last until the evening. A lot of phlegm comes out of a cough, and sometimes blood also comes out of it.


If the cough continues for more than two or three weeks, it should be checked. Chest pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss are all symptoms.

GMoney Anchor - As you said, the one who has TB of the chest has these symptoms. In which body parts can the patient get TB?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – It can be in the stomach, in the skin, in the brain, in the kidney, anywhere. Symptoms vary from place to place.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, why does TB happen? What are the reasons for it?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – The cold, cough, etc. that we get, we call it a virus, or we call it pneumonia. If it is caused by bacteria, then the TB bacteria remain a little different, slowly affect the body, and then slowly keep increasing.

GMoney Anchor - Ok, and doctor, is this an infectious disease? If yes, how can it spread? That is, if I come into contact with someone who has TB, can I also get it?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – If a person suffering from TB is around you and coughs, then it can happen. If your body’s resistance is good, then it will not happen. Hemoglobin is low, and if alcohol is taken, then the chances of getting TB increase.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, is it such that if there is more TB in any age group, in people who have low immunity, or in children, the chances of getting TB increase?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – If children remain a little undernourished, they are more likely to have them. Those who have low immunity are more at risk.

GMoney Anchor - Many times I have also seen that people who get TB, sometimes do not feel like eating their food. So is there anything that causes the patient to suddenly lose interest in eating food?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – He doesn’t feel like eating. Once there is a little fever inside the body and there is no desire to eat.

GMoney Anchor - Right, Sir, I had read in many articles that the course of action for TB, the course of treatment, lasts for a long time. What would you like to say about this?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – If the parts of TB get accumulate in the body, then it takes at least a month and a half to produce the disease. It may take more.

But later treatment has to be kept for four to six months so that it does not become active again. To reduce it, it is necessary to have treatment for six to eight months.

GMoney Anchor - OK, if someone has had TB once and got cured, can he get it again after that?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – The treatment is for one or two months. The patient thinks that I am fine now if the doctor does not explain to him properly that he has to complete the course of six months.

If his appetite improves, the fever goes away, and the cough goes away, then he leaves the treatment, and if he leaves the treatment, then the chances of TB returning increase.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, my last question to you would be is there any one basic preventive tip, that you would like to give, to all of us, to our viewers, on how to take care of ourselves and avoid TB?

Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala – Your immunity should be good. Food and drink should be good.

If you do Pranayama, Kapalbhati, and Anulom Vilom, then the chances of getting TB become very low, and if you eat well, exercise regularly, and maintain immunity, then the chances of getting TB will be very low.

GMoney Anchor - Ok, thank you so very much. It was very nice talking to you, you took some time out of your busy schedule for us. The entire team at GMoney Health Show would like to thank you. Welcome, so here we have Dr. Shailesh Chiniwala who has told us very well what TB is and how it happens. The GMoney Health Show is the medium that connects people with doctors. If you have any questions in your mind or if you want to say anything related to this show, do let us know, and on this note, I will bid you all adieu. Will come in the next show with a new super specialist doctor Take care of yourself, because good health is our promise.

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Please note : The content in this blog is extracted from the video and translated using Google Translate.