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Eye Floaters: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Eye floaters appear as small spots in your eyes. When you look at something bright, like white paper or a blue sky, it may stand out. Let us know about floaters in this blog.


Dr. Vijay Lodha

Hospital / Clinic

Vijay Eye Hospital, Mumbai

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Duration: 5:48 minutes

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Read the full transcript of Health Show in English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi

GMoney Anchor - Black gray spots appear in our eyes, why do they appear and what are they called?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – These are spots visible in front of the eye that can be black or brown in color. As age increases, a shadow is generated between the lens and the retina and that shadow appears to us as floaters. For example, if your glasses number is high, then floaters keep troubling you. Due to this, there is swelling in the posterior curtain and then some surgery is done, sometimes like cataract surgery. Even after that, you can still see the photo.

reasons for eye floaters

GMoney Anchor - Is there anything else other than the black and gray spots that appear in the eyes? It means weakening or weakening of eyesight, are there any such symptoms?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – Sometimes flashes of light may also occur. Vision loss can also occur due to diabetes. So you have to be careful with the floater.

GMoney Anchor - If you are seeing floaters, what should you absolutely not do? What would you suggest?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – So the first thing you should do is not panic, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Is there something in the curtain? Is it swollen? This is not a building and he can tell you, brother, that this floater of yours is benign. There is no tension in this, so this is why you have to do this and not doing this means not getting nervous, this is the thing. If you have diabetes, then you have to control all that.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, does it also happen that floaters go away automatically after some time?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – Look, the reason there are floaters is because we are seeing a shadow. When you start suffering from cataracts, those products become less useful to you. But when the surgery is done, the floaters will come back, because they are like degenerative chains in winter, which have happened with age.

GMoney Anchor - Doctor, if I talk about its treatment, what would you suggest in the course of treatment?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – Go to the doctor. Then sometimes it happens that some floaters bother you a lot. We also sometimes do surgery. And some medicines have also come out that can be used for floaters.

GMoney Anchor - What is the age at which floaters are more common?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – Floaters are more common between 50 and 70 because this is when changes occur in the eyes.

GMoney Anchor - The last question to you would be, If you want to give any tip to me and all our viewers who are watching this show, what would that tip be?

Dr. Vijay Lodha – Go and see the doctor on time. Follow your doctor’s advice.

GMoney Anchor - Thank you very much for taking time for us from your busy schedule. The entire team at GMoney Health Show would like to thank you wholeheartedly. Sir, this is the doctor with me who told us very well what floaters are, what are the causes, what are the symptoms and if there is any problem in your eyes, you should immediately seek doctor consultation. If you have any questions, you can write to me. We will meet in the next show with a new superspecialist doctor. Take care of yourself, because good health is our promise.

reasons for eye floaters

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Please note : The content in this blog is extracted from the video and translated using Google Translate.